Juliana achieved her Diploma in Tourism, Tecnicatura Superior en Guía de Turismo, at the Instituto Superior de Formación Técnica Nº189, Luján, in 2015 and she continues her studies to finish a BA in Tourism at the University of Morón, Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas al Turismo y la Población.
Juliana is now working together with Co-LABtur (laboratorio de innovación social en turismo en la Argentina), an organisation which assists local communities that seek to increase tourism in the area generating employment and developing the potential of their heritage.
Most recently, Juliana was invited by elephant Minds to launch the new series ‘Museums and Education’ (El Museo y la Educación). Her contribution, Museums and Education. The Enrique Udaondo Museum Complex and its educational responsibility, began the discussion on the importance of Education and the role that Museums play in the learning process and the culture of a nation. Juliana tells us that “the history of museums has evolved alongside that of humanity. As informal cultural and educational spaces, museums have the challenge of reaching a diverse audience, not only exposing their heritage but making it comprehensible for society as a whole”. It is her devotion to these cultural and educational spaces and her passion for Education that brought us close to Juliana’s work.
More about Juliana on Our Minds
El Complejo Museográfico Enrique Udaondo y su responsabilidad educativa